Monday, October 5, 2015

Why Japanese?

I am currently studying the Japanese language purely out of interest for the culture and desire to coherently understand Japanese. I am a big anime fan, so I am awaiting the day where English subtitles are no longer necessary! Over the first 4 weeks of class, we've already learned all the essentials of hirigana writing, and grammatical rules to help with communicating through basic activities. Even though I can read all of the hirigana symbols, I still find remembering and writing the correct symbols a little challenging since I've only dealt with languages in roman characters so far in my life. I'm excited for the progression of the course and fully learning katakana and kanji in the future. Once I can proficiently write in all forms of the Japanese language, I will feel somewhat accomplished. I know that flawlessly speaking the language will be a further ways off for me, but I'm still aiming for that goal as well. If you're viewing this blog and watching any airing anime, or have any suggested series to start, I'm all ears!


  1. はじめまして! ぼくは ノートルダム(Notre Dame)だいがくのがくせい です。 なまえは カイパー です。 どうぞ よろしく。
    Anime-watching is almost a universal constant among all the Japanese students I have read the blogs of so far. I think the task of learning Japanese is greatly eased from the culture-production powerhouse that is Japan.
    If you're looking for あにめ suggestions, I highly recommend both Tatami Galaxy and My Love Story! (おれ ものがたり). Both are great series, but I especially love Tatami Galaxy for its university setting. Insta-relevant. すげいです!
    ジョンソンさん、 どれのあにめを みますか。 (What anime do you watch?) Are you on anything right now?
    ありがとうございます。 じゃあ、 また。


  2. スみませんカイパーさん。わたしはおれものがたりおみました。とてもすてきなあにめですよ。I am currently watching a handful of airing anime. I have a lot of old favorites as well, and am picking up shows when I have the free time. For this season I just started Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans, Asterisk Wars, Chivalry of a Failed Knight, One Punch Man, and a handful of others. They're all pretty fun shows for the season. What else are you watching that is currently airing?
